MSG is designed to support nowcasting,
short-range forecasting, numerical weather forecasting and
climate applications over Europe and Africa, with the
following mission objectives:
•Multi-spectral imaging of the cloud systems, the Earth
surface and radiance emitted by the atmosphere, with
improved radiometric, spectral, spatial and temporal
resolution when compared to the first generation Meteosat
•Extraction of meteorological and geophysical fields from
the satellite image data for the support of general
meteorological, climatological and environmental activities
•Collection of meteorological and environmental data from
Data Collection Platforms (DCPs), and its distribution to
appropriate users
•Support to secondary payloads of scientific nature (GERB)
and Search and Rescue (called GEOSAR). These payloads do not
interfere with the primary objectives as laid out above.
Imaging Service
The image service is the main mission of MSG and provides
operational image data from the satellite's field of view.
It provides particular support to now-casting applications
through the following particular characteristics of the
imaging mission:
•Observation of air mass properties, thermodynamic and cloud
physical parameters through dedicated spectral channels
inherited from GOES and HIRS sounder instruments
•Dedicated high resolution imagery to monitor convective
cloud evolution
•High repeat rate of image data to observe rapid changes of
•Near real-time processing of SEVIRI raw imagery to
geometrically and radiometrically corrected data (Level 1.5)
Climate monitoring and research is supported through
spectral channels providing observations of the earth's
surface, observation of cloudiness, an experimental total
ozone channel, and special efforts to provide high absolute
radiometric accuracy of the data.
For Amateur Use
We have access to 1KM data every 15
minutes for amazing animation
click here for more details |